Hilarious to say, Theresa May Antichrist`s faithful servant, is putting great store in the utterances of a true viper and one of the most loathsome specimens to have ever slithered into UK politics. She is looking to him for crucial support in keeping the UK in Antichrist`s Kingdom.
No doubt there are many people in the UK who have already sussed what a loathsome specimen he is.
When you look at him you cannot but help come to the conclusion, if he had been born a few decades earlier, he would have been one of the lowlife slithering around Kincora Boys Home!
Wouldn`t you love to see his MI5 and MI666 files, I am sure they have lots of dirt on this guy!
2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.